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Ohana is a Hawaiian term meaning "family" (in an extended sense of the term, including blood-related, adoptive or intentional). The term is originates with the Māori kōhanga, meaning "nest". Our ancestors led a pattern of moving forward despite their traumas out of their need for survival. Trauma affects each of us on a different levels and is stored in our DNA. Our DNA carries the memories of trauma forward until that trauma has been healed.
"Families are like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions, but our roots remain as one."
When I first opened up Ohana Generational Healing with my offerings, clients came in an anonymous manner. Some felt guilty or ashamed of sharing their family's affairs with someone beyond their bloodline. As soon a client's long buried and carried story emerges, a weight is immediately lifted from their being. The healing process is already happening before any energy healing work takes place.
We are the first generation to talk about our family's secrets. My client's recognize how powerful it is to reconcile and release their inherited patterns and belief systems. No longer ashamed and in hiding, I have many clients bringing in their family members to experience Ohana Generational Healing. I'm working with my clients' spouses, children, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and's multigenerational and multidimensional healing.
Ohana Generational Healing is an energetic healing modality that focuses on healing inherited family trauma that is passed down through the DNA of our ancestral lineages. Connecting the client to the stories of their Ancestors, providing them a safe space to explore the traumas that have been handed down through their ancestral lineages, as well as honoring their own personal experiences, creates sacred space for growth and healing without the programming of family history.
This energy modality allows the energies to flow in through main connection points, and release the traumatic memories that are stored within. By clearing away the past family trauma, forgiving our ancestors and starting a loving relationship with them, we also alleviate the trauma that they experienced and we continue to live with.
Healing from trauma can be a very lonely journey because it's family. It's deeply personal. All it takes is one branch to reach out and heal the next generation. The other branches will feel it and be ready to let it go, too. It's no longer yours to carry.
Discover your family's real story . Your DNA carries the memories of trauma forward until that trauma has been healed. When your emotions are not given a free space to be released, they become stored in the DNA structure and pass on to your future lineage. You are not experiencing anything new. You are experiencing the collaboration of generations of your ancestors' pain, hurts, illnesses and traumas coming forward together which creates your current life experience. Your "stuck patterns" extend backward in time.
Whatever we've experienced in life, it's not our fault. Trauma is a repetitive timeline encoded within our DNA. We create our own reality based on what we've always known to be "normal" and validated. Our self-worth is determined on what other's decided it should be. When we're disempowered we lack clear boundaries, and direction in life. We're conditioned to expect the same results over and over again. We become victims of our circumstances.
We're either in state of contraction or expansion. The first, contraction, places us in the role of victim; powerless, fearful, doubtful, worried, angry and confused. We withdraw into ourselves and disconnect from our core power. Expansion places us in state of sovereignty; personal power, compassion and forgiveness. We are free from our story and empowered in our personal self-mastery.
Knowing our DNA story and re-writing the narrative with Ohana Generational Healing, reconciles previous patterns of our lineage and bloodline which became encoded in our DNA. We can override these trauma timelines, and break the cycle for ourselves and future generations.
Connect with me to learn more about Ohana Generational Healing and book your own session.
Discover insight into healing the energetic blockages that you face in your current life. Heal and clear inherited patterns from family's ancestral timelines. Restore your DNA flower and recode your present and future timeline within your first session.
Copyright © 2018 Dorothy Knight Reiki